Current projects we are bidding on are listed below. Call (253) 845-8838 if you have questions.

Our estimating email to submit bids is or fax (253) 845-9080.


Valley Regional Fire Authority – Fire Station 36
Auburn, WA
Estimated Construction Cost:
$14 – 14.7 million
Bid Date: Tuesday, March 18 @ 2:00 pm
Link to Bid Docs

Project Description:

The Project includes a new one-story Fire Station of approximately 14,400 sq. ft. and associated site and offsite work. The station will be a steel framed structure on deep foundations with (3) full apparatus bays, support spaces, crew workspaces, crew living spaces, and (8) sleeping rooms. The site is approximately 1.59 acres. Site and offsite work includes but is not limited to site structures, storm water systems, utilities, landscaping, paving, frontage improvements. Overall Substantial Completion shall be achieved within three hundred and sixty-five days (365) after the Owner’s Notice to Proceed and Final Completion shall be achieved within forty-five days after Substantial Completion.